
Dr. Margot Leigh Butler has been the Academic Director of Humanities 101 since 2006, and was a volunteer teacher for the prior five years. She is an interdisciplinary educator, cultural theorist, artist and activist, and has worked with a number of collectives.

Selected Publications & Artwork:
WE performed lecture in Pecha Kucha #15, Vogue Theatre, March 2011, Vancouver brucesharpe.blogspot.com/search/label/Pecha%20Kucha%20Vancouver%20%2315

“HuManifesto” in TCR Manifestos Now! Series 3 No.13, Capilano University, Winter 2011 www.thecapilanoreview.ca/issues/issue-3-13/

“Cultural Activism” in Imaginary Syllabi. Jane Sprague, ed. Palm Press, California, 2011

“ ‘Other’ Honey”, in Not Sent Letters, BLIM, Vancouver 2010

Collaboration with Lorna Brown’s “A Time Library” Slow Relations, Centre A, Vancouver 2010 atimelibrary.wordpress.com/tag/margot-leigh-butler/

“The Best of Intentions” with Tina Darragh, Special Manifesto Issue of Rett Kopi, Norway 2007

“I’m in there! I’m one of the women in that picture!” in Killing Women: The Visual Culture of Gender and Violence. Susan Lord & Annette Burfoot, eds. U. of Wilfred Laurier Press, Waterloo, 2006

“In Plain Sight: Reflections on Life in Downtown Eastside Vancouver” review of Leslie A. Robertson and Dara Culhane’s book in The RAIN Review of Books, Vancouver, West Coast Line #48 Spring 2006 and November 2005

“The Hero of “Heroines”: Photographs by Lincoln Clarkes” critical review for Mosaic: a Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, University of Winnipeg, December 2004.

“Missing Sarah” review of Maggie de Vries’ book, The RAIN Review of Books, Sept-Oct 2004

“On Implicatedness” in W6, Kootenay School of Writing

“Cuts” Co-editor of a special project on neo-liberal politics in B.C. for West Coast Line, Fall 2002

“Making Waves” Women’s Studies International Forum, Vol. 24, Issue 3-4, May-Aug 2001 “Swarms in Bee Space” Feature essay on culture & biotechnology in West Coast Line, Fall 2001

“Woman carrying man who has seen God” Exhibition catalogue essay for Susan Madsen, 2001 http://www3.telus.net/susanmadsen/essay02.html

“Leonardo and the Renaissance Engineers” in MUTE, London, Issue 16, 2000.

Doctoral thesis abstract: Epistemology, politics and subjectivity in artists’ collective projects, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 2000

“+ and ÷” in The Virtual Embodied, John Wood, editor, Routledge, London, 1998, pp 13-15