Study Groups are lively forums for discussing subjects of mutual interest in informed ways. They are free and are held either weekly or bi-weekly at the Carnegie Centre or the Gathering Place. Participants are free to join these groups at any stage. Readings are available at the groups, and form the focus of each session, sometimes leading to conversations that carry on for years. Groups are facilitated by Hum students, alumni and staff, plus people from the wider community.
Haraway Talks: Reading and Figuring Worlds
Exploring Human-Digital Relations in the age of big data
Scavenging: Writing with the world around us
Elevenses: Eating and Reading Tolkien
How to fall in love with artful sentences
Doing Science and Technology
What if...everything you need is already inside you?
Doing Science and Theology
Zinemaking: Speculative Matters
Tuesday Women's Writing Workshop (women only group)
Out'n About Monthly Field Trip Series
Popular Music through the Decades
Other past study groups
Public Lectures