Zinemaking: Speculative Matters

*On hold due to COVID-19.

“Zinemaking: Speculative Matters” 
When: Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30 PM
Where: Vancouver Public Library, nə́c̓aʔmat ct Strathcona Branch, 730 East Hastings St. Nellie Yip Quong Room (2nd floor)
Facilitator: Mathew Arthur

Each week we will read aloud together from a STS reading, then spend an hour making and writing zines using text, collage, popups, embroidery, etc. STS is the study of science, technology, and society. It shows that what the world is depends on how we practice knowing it. A zine is a short grassroots, independently published document. It has roots in sci-fi, punk, feminist, and queer movements. We will weave together speculation (asking “what if?”), fabulation (making things up), and our theme to ask: “What if _________ depends on _________ in the future?”