“Doing Science and Theology”
Where: Carnegie Centre, room 2 on the third floor, 401 Main St.
Facilitator: Mathew Arthur
Most people think that science is about finding out what makes up the natural world and how it all works. Likewise, theology is usually described as the “science” or systematic study of what is before, beyond, or after the natural world—the supernatural. Instead, we will read texts that consider what it means to do science and theology as practices that are always making or transforming the world around us—rather than thinking of science and theology as disciplines that discover something about the way reality already is. With the question “what kind of world do we want to make?” guiding our time together, we will read aloud from texts by Science Technology and Society (STS) theorists and contemporary theologians who show that there are other ways to do science and theology that do not rely on discovering “facts” about a reality that is separate from our ways of being, knowing, and doing in the world.